Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small (IBC-S) Installation Manual 164000305—Rev 06 53CChhaapptteerr 66 MMaaiinntteennaanncceeThe components inside the IBC are secured to a sturdy metal frame. All repairable parts and assemblies arelocated for easy removal, with very little disassembly. This design allows authorized service personnel toperform routine maintenance and servicing quickly.You must schedule periodic performance checks of the UPS system to keep it running properly. Regularroutine checks of operation and system parameters enable your system to function efficiently for many trouble-free years.66..11 IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssRemember that your UPS system is designed to supply power EVEN WHEN DISCONNECTED FROM THEUTILITY POWER.WARNING• No user serviceable components.• Servicing and maintenance should be performed by qualified service personnel only.• LETHAL VOLTAGE PRESENT. This unit should not be operated with the cabinet doors open or protectivepanels removed. Do not make any assumptions about the electrical state of any cabinet in the UPSsystem.66..22 PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg PPrreevveennttiivvee MMaaiinntteennaanncceeThe UPS system requires very little preventive maintenance. However, the system should be inspectedperiodically to verify that the units are operating normally. Record maintenance results and any correctiveactions in a suitable log.66..22..11 DDAAIILLYY MMaaiinntteennaanncceePerform the following steps daily:1. Check the area surrounding the UPS system. Ensure the area is not cluttered, allowing free accessto the unit.2. Ensure the air intakes on the Accessory cabinets are not blocked.3. Ensure the operating environment is within the parameters specified in paragraph3.2.1 Environmental and Installation Considerations and Chapter 7 Product Specifications.66..22..22 PPEERRIIOODDIICC MMaaiinntteennaanncceePeriodic inspections of the IBC should be made to determine if components, wiring, and connections exhibitevidence of overheating. Particular attention should be given to the compression lug connections. Maintenanceprocedures should specify that the compression lug connections be retorqued to values listed in this manual.66..22..33 AANNNNUUAALL MMaaiinntteennaanncceeAnnual preventive maintenance should be performed only by authorized service personnel familiar withmaintenance and servicing of the UPS system. Contact an Eaton service representative for more informationabout service offerings.66..22..44 BBAATTTTEERRYY MMaaiinntteennaanncceeContact an Eaton service representative for battery maintenance. Battery replacement and maintenance shouldbe performed only by authorized service personnel.