Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small (IBC-S) Installation Manual 164000305—Rev 06 2944..33 IInnssttaalllliinngg IIBBCC PPoowweerr WWiirriinnggIBCs can be installed in a line-up-and-match configuration with the power wiring routed through the IBCs andUPS cabinet or in a standalone configuration with the power wiring routed between the IBCs and the UPScabinet using conduit. Use the appropriate procedure for the type of installation being wired.44..33..11 LLiinnee--UUpp--aanndd--MMaattcchh PPoowweerr WWiirriinnggNOTE 1 Each battery cabinet will be directly connected to the UPS and not daisy-chainedbetween cabinets. All power wiring between the IBCs and the UPS is factory supplied.NOTE 2 Up to four IBCs can be installed in a line-up-and-match configuration.Use this procedure to wire line-up-and-match 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinets to the 93PM UPS cabinet.To install wiring to connections:1. Verify the UPS system is turned off and all power sources are removed. Refer to the applicable Eaton93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed in paragraph 1.7 For More Information, for UPSoperating procedures.2. Open the front door by lifting the latch from the bottom and turning to the right (counterclockwise) andswing the door open.3. Remove the screws securing the internal safety shield panel and remove the panel to gain access to thebattery power terminals. Retain the hardware for later use.NOTE 1 Line-up-and-match positive and negative battery wiring is factory supplied coiled insidethe IBC.NOTE 2 Ferrules are installed on the ends of the factory supplied wiring. Do not shorten or cutfactory supplied wiring.4. Route the battery wiring (positive and negative) from the UPS DC Input terminals through the bottom sideinter-cabinet access pass-through (see Figure 10) of the UPS cabinet and IBC to the wiring channel on theleft side of the IBC (see Figure 13). Route the wiring along the wiring channel to the IBC DC Outputterminal block. See Figure 14 for terminal locations. See paragraph 3.2.2 IBC Power Wiring Preparation andTable 3 for wiring requirements. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operationmanual listed in paragraph 1.7 For More Information, for UPS cabinet terminal locations.5. Secure the battery wiring to the wire tie anchors (see Figure 15) using Zip ties.6. Route the battery cabinet ground wiring from the UPS through the bottom side inter-cabinet access pass-through (see Figure 10) of the UPS cabinet and IBC to the IBC ground terminal block. See Figure 14 forterminal location.WARNINGVerify polarity of connections. Risk of personal injury and damage to equipment from arc flash if connectionsare reversed.7. Connect the positive and negative power wiring to the IBC DC (+) and IBC DC (-) output terminals. Connectthe ground wiring to the IBC ground terminal. See Table 5 for termination requirements.For a detailed view of the IBC terminal block, see Figure 16.8. Connect the positive, negative, and ground power wiring from the IBC to the UPS cabinet external batteryinput and ground terminals. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manuallisted in paragraph 1.7 For More Information, for UPS cabinet termination requirements.Installation