Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small (IBC-S) Installation Manual 164000305—Rev 06 55CChhaapptteerr 77 PPrroodduucctt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssThis section provides the following specifications:• Model Numbers• Battery specifications• Battery runtimes• Environmental and safety specifications77..11 MMooddeell NNuummbbeerrssThe Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small (IBC-S) is available in one model to meet the needs of the Eaton 93PMUPS product line.Integrated Battery Cabinet (IBC) Models DescriptionEaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small IBC for Eaton 93PM 50 kW and 100 kW UPS77..22 SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssThe following sections detail the battery specifications, battery runtimes, and the environmental and safetyspecifications for the UPS. Specifications are subject to change.77..22..11 BBaatttteerryy SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssIBC-S Battery Type NPX-80RFR 80 Watts/cell valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) with a 3-5 year floatservice life at 77°F (25°C)Number of Strings 2 or 3 stringsBattery Replacement Must be replaced by a qualified service technicianProtection IBC output protected by 300A circuit breaker.CAUTIONThe shelf life for the batteries installed in the IBC is 12 months from the date code on the battery. The rechargedate is also stated on a label inside the IBC.Failure to recharge the batteries before the expiration of the shelf life will result in reduced discharge time,shorter float service life, and will void the warranty.