11 List of parametersDE1… Variable Speed Starter 11/16 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 165P-291) 157 STOP rw Switchingfrequency4 - 32 kHz10 - 20 kHz16 kHz Switching frequencySwitching frequency (audible pulse frequency) ofIGBTs in power sectionDE1-12… : 4/8/12/16/24/32 kHzDE1-34… : 10/12/14/16/18/20 kHz–P-30 158 STOP rw Start mode EdgE-r,Auto-0 -Auto-9Auto-0 Start modeEdge-r: If the enable signal is already activebefore the supply voltage is switched on or beforea reset, the drive will not start. Instead, the drivewill wait for a rising edge before starting.Auto-0: The device will restart automaticallyafter a fault message if the supply voltage is notswitched off and the start command (FWD or REV)is still present.Auto-1 - Auto-9: 1 to 9 automatic start attemptsat 20-s intervals if the supply voltage is notswitched off and the start command (FWD or REV)is still present. If the DE1 device does not startautomatically after the last selected startattempt, it will be switched off with the faultmessage. It will then have to be RESET (supplyvoltage OFF-ON (power cycling), start commandwith rising edge, or STOP command).–P-31 159 RUN rw OvervoltageControl 0; 1 0 Overvoltage controlThe overvoltage control function (OV) will preventthe DE1 device from being switched off if toomuch energy is being fed into the DC link duringthe motor’s regenerative operation and the DClink voltage increases to an excessive value as aresult:0: OV active. During deceleration, the configuredramp time (P-02) will be automatically length-ened. During continuous operation, the outputfrequency (speed) will be temporarily increased.1: OV locked (shutdown with a fault message).89P-32 160 STOP rw AutoThermalMan-agement0; 1 0 Switching frequency, temperature manage-mentThe temperature management function will auto-matically lower the switching frequency (P-29) ifthe heat sink in the power section gets too hot.This will reduce switching losses and prevent ashutdown due to excess temperature.0: activated1: deactivated151P-33 161 STOP rw SwitchRema-nentStorage0; 1 0 Motor protection, thermal imageThe motor’s computed (I x t) thermal image will beautomatically saved when the device is switchedoff and will be used as a basis when it is switchedback on.0: activated1: Locked.The thermal image will be deleted when thedevice is switched back on.94PNUModbus IDAccess right Name Value DS DescriptionPageRUN, STOPro/rw