2 Engineering2.2 Electrical power networkDE1… Variable Speed Starter 11/16 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 252.2 Electrical power network2.2.1 Mains connection and configurationDE1... variable speed starters can be connected to and run on all neutralpoint-grounded AC supply systems (TN-S, TN-C, TT grounding systems;please refer to IEC 60364) without any limitations.Figure 15: AC supply systems with earthed center pointThe connection and operation of variable speed starters to asymmetricallygrounded TN networks (phase-grounded Delta network “Grounded Delta”,USA) or non-grounded or high-resistance grounded (higher than 30 Ω)IT networks is only conditionally permissible.If DE1 variable speed starters with an internal radio interference suppressionfilter (DE1...-…FN-…) are connected to a corner-earthed network or an ITnetwork (non-earthed, insulated), the filter must be deactivated (by removingthe two EMC jumpers).TN-S TN-C TT→ While planning the project, consider a symmetrical distributionto the three main phase conductors, if multiple variable speedstarters with single-phase supplies are to be connected.The total current of all single phase consumers is not to causean overload of the neutral conductor (N-conductor).→ Operation on non-earthed networks (IT) requires the use of suit-able insulation monitors (e.g. pulse-code measurement method).→ In networks with an earthed phase conductor, the maximumphase-earth voltage must not exceed 300 VAC.→ For detailed information on how to remove the EMC jumpers,please refer to → Section 3.3.4, “EMC jumper”, Page 46.L2NL1L3PEL2PENL1L3L2NL1L3