5 DXE-EXT-SET configuration module5.3 Description and use74 DE1… Variable Speed Starter 11/16 MN040011EN www.eaton.comThe following table goes over the use and functions of the operator controland indication elements on the DXE-EXT-SET configuration module when it isplugged in and the DE1... variable speed starter is ready for operation (RunLED on).Table 14: Functions of operator control and display elements on DXE-EXT-SETElement Behavior Descriptiongreen LED STATUSThe settings on the configuration module are identical to the parameter values on the DE1... variablespeed starter.yellow The settings on the DXE-EXT-SET configuration module are not identical to the parameter values onthe DE1... variable speed starter.Example:• The settings on the plugged-in configuration module have changed.• A configuration module with different settings has been plugged inGreen – flashing slowly(three times for 2 s),then showing a contin-uous green lightThe SET button has been pressed for about 2 seconds in STOP mode. All the settings in theDXE-EXT-SET module are being transferred to the DE1... variable speed starter’s parameters.A green continuous light indicates that the data transfer has been completed successfully.fast flashing (4 Hz) The SET button has been pressed briefly (< 1 s). The Fixed Freq. potentiometer is active and is directlyoverwriting the value in the DE1... variable speed starter’s P-20 (FF1) parameter.Note:The drive’s speed can be directly adjusted in RUN mode, provided there is an FF1 enable signal at theappropriate control terminal (see modes 0, 2 , 3, 4, 7, 8 = P-15).If the SET button is pressed again, the current Fixed Freq. potentiometer value will be stored in P-20.50/60-Hz selector switchThe mains frequency selector switch can be used to automatically make all the necessary changesto the calculations in the motor model and the characteristic curve parameters (e.g., max. frequency,V/HZ characteristic curve, speed control, etc.) used to operate motors with the corresponding stan-dard frequencies (50/60 Hz).SET button• If it is pressed for about 2 seconds in STOP mode, the SET button will start transferring all“mechanically” set values from the DXE-EXT-SET configuration module to the correspondingparameters in the DE1... device. During the transfer, the STATUS LED will flash three times for2 seconds and will then show a continuous green light if the data transfer is successfullycompleted.• When in RUN mode, briefly pressing the SET button (< 1 second) will start directly transferringthe Fixed Freq. potentiometer setting to the DE1... variable speed starter’s P-20 (FF1) parameter.In order for this transfer to stop, the SET button needs to be pressed again.• In an operating mode with the FF1 control command active (modes 0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8), the Fixed Freq.potentiometer can be used to directly adjust the drive’s speed.STATUS60 Hz50 HzSET