6 Parameter6.4 SmartWire-DTDE1… Variable Speed Starter 11/16 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 876.4 SmartWire-DTThe centrally controlled SmartWire-DT wiring system can be used tocyclically configure the parameters of and control the DE1... variable speedstarter.The SmartWire-DT system requires a special 8-pin connecting cable, as wellas the corresponding plugs.To connect the DE1... variable speed starter to the SmartWire-DT wiringsystem, you will need the optionally available DX-NET-SWD3 interfacemodule. This module needs to be plugged into the DE1... variable speedstarter’s front RJ45 port (→ Section 9.3, “SmartWire-DT DX-NET-SWD3”,Page136).Figure 61: DX-NET-SWD3 SmartWire-DT interface card→ For more information, as well as a detailed description of theSmartWire-DT connection, please refer to manualMN04012009Z-EN, “DX-NET-SWD SmartWire-DT InterfaceCard for PowerXL™ Variable Frequency Drives”.ReadyIOAL1/L L2/N L3U V W0 V +10 V 1 2 3 4 13 14ReadyIOASWD4-8SF2-5+ 15V