System OperationCopyright © 2007-2018 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.IPN 997-00012-03 B2 Issue B2 July 2018 55Active Alarm IndicationsAll alarms have a configured Severity:Critical Major Minor Warning ControlThe Severity determines how an active alarm is indicated:Severity Alarm indications DetailsCriticalMajorSC300 Major alarm LED will turn on. See details on page15.MinorWarningSC300 Minor alarm LED will turn on. See details on page15.CriticalMajorMinorIf the SC300 audible indicator is enabled, itwill sound until a key is pressed.See details on page15.Any alarmCriticalMajorMinorWarningThe alarm name and severity icon will bedisplayed on the SC300 main screen.See details on page 8.The Event Log will record the alarm activation. See details on page98.If configured, an Email message will be sent toone or more Email addresses.See details on page110.If configured, an SMS text message will besent to one or more cell phones.See details on page114.If configured, PowerManagerII control andmonitoring software will be notified by SNMPtrap. PowerManagerII can initiate variousactions when it receives an alarm notification.Refer to thePowerManagerIIonline Help.In DCTools/Web (if connected), the alarmname and severity icon will be displayed inthe Alarms list on the System page.See page 106.If configured, an SNMP Trap will be sent to anetwork management system (NMS).See details on page107.If configured, a note will be displayed on theSC300 and included in the SNMP trap (ifused).Refer to the alarm'sconfiguration details.Any alarm or controloutputCriticalMajorMinorWarningControlIf configured, one or two digital outputs(relays) will be operated.Refer to the alarm'sconfiguration details.