Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline Series User Guide 614-21326—Rev 01 7CChhaapptteerr 33 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn33..11 IInnssppeeccttiinngg tthhee eeqquuiippmmeennttIf any equipment has been damaged during shipment, keep the shipping cartons and packing materials for thecarrier or place of purchase and file a claim for shipping damage. If you discover damage after acceptance, file aclaim for concealed damage.To file a claim for shipping damage or concealed damage:1. File with the carrier within 15 days of receipt of the equipment;2. Send a copy of the damage claim within 15 days to your service representative.NOTE Check the battery recharge date on the shipping carton label. If the date has passed andthe batteries were never recharged, do not use the UPS. Contact your servicerepresentative.33..22 CChheecckkiinngg tthhee AAcccceessssoorryy KKiitt• Verify that the following additional items are included with the UPS:Figure 3. Checking the accessory kit1235 4CONFIGSTATUSRESET61 SmartOnlineUPS2 RS232 communication cable3 USB communication cable4 Safety instructions5 Quick start6 (Optional LXE Network Card)33..33 SSmmaarrttOOnnlliinnee UUPPSS IInnssttaallllaattiioonnIf you ordered other UPS accessories, refer to specific user manuals to check the tower installation with theUPS.NOTE 1 Place the UPS on a flat, stable surface in its final location.NOTE 2 Always keep 150 mm of free space behind the UPS rear panel.