Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline Series User Guide 614-21326—Rev 01 1CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn11..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnThank you for selecting an Tripp Lite by Eaton product to protect your electrical equipment.The Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline UPS range has been designed with the utmost care.We recommend that you take the time to read this manual to take full advantage of the many features of yourUPS (Uninterruptible Power System).Before installing your Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline UPS, please read the booklet presenting the safetyinstructions. Then follow the indications in this manual.To discover the entire range of products and the options available for the Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline UPSrange, invite you to visit our web site at Tripp or contact your Tripp Lite by Eaton representative.11..22 EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall PPrrootteeccttiioonnTripp Lite by Eaton has implemented an environmental-protection policy.Products are developed according to an eco-design approach.SubstancesThis product does not contain CFCs, HCFCs, or asbestos.PackingTo improve waste treatment and facilitate recycling, separate the various packing components.• The cardboard we use comprises over 50% of recycled cardboard.• Sacks and bags are made of polyethylene.• Packing materials are recyclable and bear the appropriate identification symbol01PETTable 1. Packing Material SymbolsMaterials Abbreviations Number in the symbolsPolyethylene terephthalate PET 01High-density polyethylene HDPE 02Polyvinyl chloride PVC 03Low-density polyethylene LDPE 04Polypropylene PP 05Polystyrene PS 06Follow all local regulations for the disposal of packing materials.End of LifeTripp Lite by Eaton will process products at the end of their service life in compliance with local regulations.Tripp Lite by Eaton works with companies in charge of collecting and eliminating our products at the end oftheir service life.