Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline Series User Guide 614-21326—Rev 01 41CChhaapptteerr 88 SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss88..11 MMooddeell SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssInputFilterAC/DCBoostDC/ACInverterOutputFilterBypassDC/DCBatteryChargerTable 12. Power Module ListCatalog Number (UPS) Power ratingsSU700XLCD 700VA / 630WSU1000XLCD 1000VA / 900WSU1500XLCD 1500VA / 1350WSU2200XLCD 1960VA / 1770WSU3000XLCD 3000VA / 2700WTable 13. Extended Battery Module ListCatalog Number (UPS) Configuration Battery Voltage For Power ModuleBP36V Tower 36Vdc 1000VABP48V Tower 48Vdc 1500VABP96V Tower 96Vdc 2000 – 3000VATable 14. UPS and BP Weights and DimensionsDescription Weights (lb/kg) Dimensions (inch/mm) W x H x DSU700XLCD 25.4 / 11.5 6.3 x 9.9 x 14.0 / 160 x 252 x 354SU1000XLCD 32.6 / 14.8 6.3 x 9.9 x 15.2 / 160 x 252 x 387SU1500XLCD 40.8 / 18.5 6.3 x 9.9 x 17.0 / 160 x 252 x 434SU2200XLCD 73.4 / 33.3 8.4 x 13.6 x 16.2 / 214 x 346 x 412SU3000XLCD 73.6 / 33.4 8.4 x 13.6 x 16.2 / 214 x 346 x 412BP36V 41.9 / 19 6.3 x 9.9 x 15.2 / 160 x 252 x 387