Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartOnline Series User Guide 614-21326—Rev 01 29CChhaapptteerr 66 MMaaiinntteennaannccee66..11 EEqquuiippmmeenntt ccaarreeFor the best preventive maintenance, keep the area around the equipment clean and dust free. If theatmosphere is very dusty, clean the outside of the system with a vacuum cleaner. For full battery life, keep theequipment at an ambient temperature of 25 °C (77 °F).If the UPS requires any type of transportation, verify that the UPS is disconnected and turned off. The batteriesare rated for a 3-5 year service life. The length of service life varies, depending on the frequency of usage andambient temperature (life divided by 2 each 10 °C above 25 °C).Batteries used beyond expected service life will often have severely reduced runtimes. Replace batteries atleast every 4 years to keep units running at peak efficiency. Batteries runtime will be reduced at lowtemperature (below 10 °C).66..22 SSttoorriinngg tthhee eeqquuiippmmeennttIf you store the equipment for a long period, recharge the battery every 6 months by connecting the UPS toutility power. The internal batteries charge to 90% capacity in less than 3 hours. However, Eaton recommendsthat the batteries charge for 24 hours after long-term storage. Check the battery recharge date on the shippingcarton label. If the date has passed and the batteries were never recharged, do not use them. Contact yourservice representative.66..33 WWhheenn ttoo rreeppllaaccee bbaatttteerriieessEaton UPS batteries have an expected life span of 3-5 years. You should take proactive steps to ensure youreplace your batteries for optimal operation and reliability.Contact your service representative to order new batteries.