EATON DGM**-3 40/41 Design E-VLST-BB001-E April 2015M-11MDirection of flowX – Free flow away from actuatorY – Free flow towards actuatorCheck locationA – A lineB – B lineP – P line with free flow towardsactuator (X)T – T line with free flow awayfrom actuator(Y)Check valve opening/ crackingpressureK – 1 bar (14.5 psi)M – 2,5 bar (36 psi)N – 5 bar (72 psi)Check location (second elementof dual model)Only available as model typeDGMDC-3-Y-A*-B*-4*B – B lineCheck valve opening/ crackingpressure (second function of dualmodel)Options as inDesign number, 40 seriesSubject to change. Installationdimensions unchanged for designnumbers 40 to 49 inclusive.SystemStak™Direct Check ValvesModel CodeDGMDC-3-41General DescriptionThese valves allow free flowin one direction in the linein which the check valveelement(s) is (are) located;flow in the opposite directionis not possible.Typical SectionP T B ADGMDC-3-X-A* DGMDC-3-Y-A*P T B ADGMDC-3-X-B*P T B ADGMDC-3-Y-B*P T B ADGMDC-3-Y-A*-B*P T B ADGMDC-3-Y-P*P T B ADGMDC-3-X-T*P T B A1325634DGMDC -3- * - * * (-* *) - 411 2 3 4 5 6Functional Symbols