EATON SystemStak™ Valves Size 07 E-VLVI-SS001-E1 October 2015O-2OSystemStak™ ValvesISO 4401 size 07; 315 bar (4500 psi); up to 200 L/min (53 USgpm)General DescriptionThis range of stackable hydraulic controls are designed to bemounted under a size 7 directional valve such as Eaton DG*V-7, solenoid controlled and pilot operated. With their cartridgedesign they will provide a compact hydraulic circuit at reducedcost with the elimination of interconnecting piping. Servicingis simplified with access to working parts achieved withoutremoving valves from an assembled stack.The units are performance rated up to: 200 L/min (53 USgpm)315/350 bar (4500/5000 psi)The range comprises:DGMX-7 ..........................................Pressure reducing moduleDGMC-7............................................... Pressure relief moduleDGMFN-7 ............................................ Flow restrictor moduleDGMPC-7 ................................... Pilot operated check moduleTable of ContentsFunction Basic symbol Basic model Features PageReducing DGMX Piloted from (and reduced 3pressure in) port P, A or BRelief DGMC Single, dual and crossport models 5Pilot operated check DGMPC Single in port A or B; dual 7in ports A and BFlow restrictor DGMFN Single or dual port, 10meter-in or meter-out