EATON SystemStak™ Valves Size 07 E-VLVI-SS001-E1 October 2015O-10OSystemStak™ Throttle Valve with CheckDGMFN-7General DescriptionFeatures:• Industry standard mounting,ISO 4401-7, NFPNA-T-3 .5.1-M-R-I, ANSI B 93.7 D07• Sandwich plate design• Limiting of main flow of two actuator ports• Meter-in or meter-out controlGeneralDGMFN valves have double throttle/check valves in asandwich plate design. They are used to limit main flowat one or two actuator ports. Two symmetrically arrangedthrottle/check valves limit flow (by means of adjustablethrottle spools) in one direction and permit free return flow inthe other direction.Main flow limitingThe double throttle/check valve is fitted between thedirectional valve and the subplate to change the speed of anactuator (main flow limiting)A BMeter -in control...X Meter -out control...Y A Meter -out controlB Meter -in control: YXA Meter -in controlB Meter -out control: XYA B A B A B123 4 51 Throttle Adjustment Screw2 Spring3 Spool4 Valve Body5 O-RingModel CodeF3 - DGMFN - 7 - * - A2W - B2W - 301 2 53 4 6Seal OptionsF3 – Fluorocarbon seals, forPhosphate Ester (classL-HFD)Blank – Nitrile, for Mineral oilAnti-wear hydraulicoil (class L-HM),Invert emulsion(class L-HFB) Waterglycol (class L-HFC)Stack module, throttlevalve with checkSizeISO 4401-07Direction of flowcontrolY – Meter outX – Meter inYX – Meter out A, meter in BXY – Meter in A, meter out BControl line (Wrenchadjustment)Both port A and BDesign Number301 4 5623