Chapter 5. Communication122 AT600 User’s ManualCommand 198 (0xC6): Read Fluid InformationThis command is to read fluid information.Command 200 (0xC8): Write Pipe SizeThis command is to write pipe size.Table 111: Request Data Bytes for Read Fluid InformationByte Format DescriptionNoneTable 112: Response Data Bytes for Read Fluid InformationByte Format Description0 - 3 Unsigned-32 Fluid Type:0: Other1. Water4 - 7 Float Fluid SOS8 – 11 Float Fluid minimum SOS12 - 15 Float Fluid Maximum SOS16 - 19 Float Fluid TemperatureTable 113: Command-Specific Response Codes for Read Fluid InformationCode Class Description0 Success No Command-Specific Errors1-5 Undefined6 Error Device-Specific Command Error7-127 UndefinedTable 114: Request Data Bytes for Write Pipe SizeByte Format Description0 Unsigned-8 Pipe size unit1 - 4 Float Pipe OD Value5 - 8 Float Pipe ID Value9 - 12 Float Pipe WT Value