AquaTrans™ AT600 User’s Manual 181Appendix B. Data RecordsB.4 Diagnostic ParametersThe values for the diagnostic parameters immediately after commissioning of the meter and verification ofproper operation should be entered below. These initial values can then be compared to current values tohelp diagnose any future malfunction of the system.Table 190: Diagnostic ParametersParameter Initial ValueVelocityActual VolumetricStandardized VolumetricFwd. Batch TotalsRev Batch TotalsNet Batch TotalsBatch Totalizer TimeFwd. Inventory TotalsRev Inventory TotalsNet Inventory TotalsInventory Totalizer TimeMass FlowSound SpeedReynoldsKfactorTransit Time UpTransit Time DnDeltaTUp Signal QualityDn Signal QualityUp Amp DiscDn Amp DiscSNR UpSNR DnActiveTW UpActiveTW DnGain UpGain DnError StatusReported ErrorUp PeakDown PeakPeak % UpPeak % Down