6-4 B30 Bus Differential System GE Multilin6.2 STATUS 6 ACTUAL VALUES66.2.4 REMOTE DOUBLE-POINT STATUS INPUTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS REMOTE DPS INPUTSThe present state of the remote double-point status inputs is shown here. The actual values indicate if the remote double-point status inputs are in the on (close), off (open), intermediate, or bad state.6.2.5 TELEPROTECTION INPUTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS TELEPROTECTION INPUTSThe present state of teleprotection inputs from communication channels 1 and 2 are shown here. The state displayed willbe that of corresponding remote output unless the channel is declared failed.6.2.6 CONTACT OUTPUTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS CONTACT OUTPUTSThe present state of the contact outputs is shown here. The first line of a message display indicates the ID of the contactoutput. For example, ‘Cont Op 1’ refers to the contact output in terms of the default name-array index. The second line ofthe display indicates the logic state of the contact output. REMOTE DPS INPUTSREMOTE DPS INPUT 1STATUS: BadRange: On, Off, Intermediate, BadMESSAGE REMOTE DPS INPUT 2STATUS: BadRange: On, Off, Intermediate, Bad↓MESSAGE REMOTE DPS INPUT 5STATUS: BadRange: On, Off, Intermediate, Bad TELEPROTECTION INPUTSTELEPROTECTIONINPUT 1-1: OffRange: Off, OnMESSAGE TELEPROTECTIONINPUT 1-2: OffRange: Off, On↓MESSAGE TELEPROTECTIONINPUT 1-16: OffRange: Off, OnMESSAGE TELEPROTECTIONINPUT 2-1: OffRange: Off, OnMESSAGE TELEPROTECTIONINPUT 2-2: OffRange: Off, On↓MESSAGE TELEPROTECTIONINPUT 2-16: OffRange: Off, On CONTACT OUTPUTSCont Op 1OffRange: On, Off, VOff, VOn, IOn, IOffMESSAGE Cont Op 2OffRange: On, Off, VOff, VOn, IOn, IOff↓MESSAGE Cont Op xxOffRange: On, Off, VOff, VOn, IOn, IOff