C-10 B30 Bus Differential System GE MultilinC.4 GENERIC SUBSTATION EVENT SERVICES: GSSE AND GOOSE APPENDIX CC2. Configure the GOOSE service settings by making the following changes in the PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATION IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSION CONFIGURABLE GOOSE CONFIGU-RABLE GOOSE 1 settings menu:– Set CONFIG GSE 1 FUNCTION to “Enabled”.– Set CONFIG GSE 1 ID to an appropriate descriptive string (the default value is “GOOSEOut_1”).– Set CONFIG GSE 1 DST MAC to a multicast address (for example, 01 00 00 12 34 56).– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 VLAN PRIORITY; the default value of “4” is OK for this example.– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 VLAN ID value; the default value is “0”, but some switches may require this value to be “1”.– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 ETYPE APPID value. This setting represents the Ethertype application ID and must match theconfiguration on the receiver (the default value is “0”).– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 CONFREV value. This value changes automatically as described in IEC 61850 part 7-2. Forthis example it can be left at its default value.3. Configure the data by making the following changes in the PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATION IEC 61850 PROTO-COL GGIO1 STATUS CONFIGURATION settings menu:– Set GGIO1 INDICATION 1 to a FlexLogic operand used to provide the status of GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal (for example, acontact input, virtual input, a protection element status, etc.).The B30 must be rebooted (control power removed and re-applied) before these settings take effect.The following procedure illustrates the reception configuration.1. Configure the reception dataset by making the following changes in the PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATION IEC61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION RECEPTION CONFIGURABLE GOOSE CONFIGURABLE GOOSE1 CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMS settings menu:– Set ITEM 1 to “GGIO3.ST.Ind1.q” to indicate quality flags for GGIO3 status indication 1.– Set ITEM 2 to “GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal” to indicate the status value for GGIO3 status indication 1.The reception dataset now contains a set of quality flags, a single point status Boolean value, and a floating point ana-log value. This matches the transmission dataset configuration above.2. Configure the GOOSE service settings by making the following changes in the INPUTS/OUTPUTS REMOTE DEVICES REMOTE DEVICE 1 settings menu:– Set REMOTE DEVICE 1 ID to match the GOOSE ID string for the transmitting device. Enter “GOOSEOut_1”.– Set REMOTE DEVICE 1 ETYPE APPID to match the Ethertype application ID from the transmitting device. This is “0” inthe example above.– Set the REMOTE DEVICE 1 DATASET value. This value represents the dataset number in use. Since we are usingconfigurable GOOSE 1 in this example, program this value as “GOOSEIn 1”.3. Configure the data by making the following changes in the INPUTS/OUTPUTS REMOTE INPUTS REMOTE INPUT 1settings menu:– Set REMOTE IN 1 DEVICE to “GOOSEOut_1”.– Set REMOTE IN 1 ITEM to “Dataset Item 2”. This assigns the value of the GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal single point statusitem to remote input 1.Remote input 1 can now be used in FlexLogic equations or other settings. The B30 must be rebooted (control powerremoved and re-applied) before these settings take effect.The value of remote input 1 (Boolean on or off) in the receiving device will be determined by the GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal valuein the sending device. The above settings will be automatically populated by the EnerVista UR Setup software when a com-plete SCD file is created by third party substation configurator software.