5-18 B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5Up to 256 analog input points can be configured for the DNP or IEC 60870-5-104 protocols. The analog point list is config-ured by assigning an appropriate FlexAnalog parameter to each point. Refer to Appendix A: FlexAnalog Parameters for thefull range of assignable parameters.The DNP / IEC 60870-5-104 point lists always begin with point 0 and end at the first “Off” value. Since DNP /IEC 60870-5-104 point lists must be in one continuous block, any points assigned after the first “Off” pointare ignored.Changes to the DNP / IEC 60870-5-104 point lists will not take effect until the B90 is restarted.g) IEC 61850 PROTOCOLPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOLThe B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System is provided with optional IEC 61850 communicationscapability. This feature is specified as a software option at the time of ordering. Refer to the Ordering sec-tion of chapter 2 for additional details. The IEC 61850 protocol features are not available if CPU type E isordered.The B90 supports the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) protocol as specified by IEC 61850. MMS is supportedover two protocol stacks: TCP/IP over ethernet and TP4/CLNP (OSI) over ethernet. The B90 operates as an IEC 61850server. The Remote inputs and outputs section in this chapter describe the peer-to-peer GSSE/GOOSE message scheme.The GSSE/GOOSE configuration main menu is divided into two areas: transmission and reception.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATIONThe main transmission menu is shown below: IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE / GOOSE CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE SERVER CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE IEC 61850 LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXESMESSAGE MMXU DEADBANDSMESSAGE GGIO1 STATUS CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE GGIO2 CONTROL CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE GGIO4 ANALOG CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE GGIO5 UINTEGER CONFIGURATIONMESSAGE REPORT CONTROL CONFIGURATION GSSE / GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSIONMESSAGE RECEPTIONNOTENOTE