GE Multilin B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System 5-475 SETTINGS 5.2 PRODUCT SETUP5An example user display setup and result is shown below:5.2.16 DIRECT INPUTS AND OUTPUTSa) MAIN MENUPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP DIRECT I/ODirect inputs and outputs are intended for exchange of status information (inputs and outputs) between UR-series relaysconnected directly via type 7 digital communications cards. The mechanism is very similar to IEC 61850 GSSE, except thatcommunications takes place over a non-switchable isolated network and is optimized for speed. On type 7 cards that sup-port two channels, direct output messages are sent from both channels simultaneously. This effectively sends direct output USER DISPLAY 1DISP 1 TOP LINE:Current X ~ AShows user-defined text with first Tilde marker.MESSAGE DISP 1 BOTTOM LINE:Current Y ~ AShows user-defined text with second Tilde marker.MESSAGE DISP 1 ITEM 1:6016Shows decimal form of user-selected Modbus RegisterAddress, corresponding to first Tilde marker.MESSAGE DISP 1 ITEM 2:6357Shows decimal form of user-selected ModbusRegister Address, corresponding to 2nd Tilde marker.MESSAGE DISP 1 ITEM 3:0This item is not being used - there is no correspondingTilde marker in Top or Bottom lines.MESSAGE DISP 1 ITEM 4:0This item is not being used - there is no correspondingTilde marker in Top or Bottom lines.MESSAGE DISP 1 ITEM 5:0This item is not being used - there is no correspondingTilde marker in Top or Bottom lines.USER DISPLAYS → Current X 0.850 ACurrent Y 0.327 AShows the resultant display content. DIRECT I/ODIRECT OUTPUTDEVICE ID: 1Range: 1 to 16MESSAGE DIRECT I/O CH1 RINGCONFIGURATION: YesRange: Yes, NoMESSAGE DIRECT I/O CH2 RINGCONFIGURATION: YesRange: Yes, NoMESSAGE DIRECT I/O DATARATE: 64 kbpsRange: 64 kbps, 128 kbpsMESSAGE DIRECT I/O CHANNELCROSSOVER: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE CRC ALARM CH1 See page 5–53.MESSAGE CRC ALARM CH2 See page 5–53.MESSAGE UNRETURNED MESSAGES ALARM CH1 See page 5–54.MESSAGE UNRETURNED MESSAGES ALARM CH2 See page 5–54.