7-6 B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System GE Multilin7.2 TARGETS 7 COMMANDS AND TARGETS7c) MINOR SELF-TEST ERROR MESSAGESMost of the minor self-test errors can be disabled. Refer to the settings in the User-programmable self-tests section in chap-ter 5 for additional details.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: The battery is not functioning.• How often the test is performed: The battery is monitored every five seconds. The error message is displayed after 60seconds if the problem persists .• What to do: Replace the battery located in the power supply module (1H or 1L).• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: Direct input and output settings are configured for a ring, but the connection is not in a ring.• How often the test is performed: Every second .• What to do: Check direct input and output configuration and wiring.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A bad IRIG-B input signal has been detected.• How often the test is performed: Monitored whenever an IRIG-B signal is received.• What to do: Ensure the following:– The IRIG-B cable is properly connected.– Proper cable functionality (that is, check for physical damage or perform a continuity test).– The IRIG-B receiver is functioning.– Check the input signal level (it may be less than specification).If none of these apply, then contact the factory.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: An Ethernet connection has failed.• How often the test is performed: Monitored every five seconds.• What to do: Check Ethernet connections. Port 1 is the primary port and port 2 is the secondary port.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: The SNTP server is not responding.• How often the test is performed: Every 10 to 60 seconds.MAINTENANCE ALERT:Replace BatteryMAINTENANCE ALERT:Direct I/O Ring BreakMAINTENANCE ALERT:**Bad IRIG-B Signal**MAINTENANCE ALERT:Port ## FailureMAINTENANCE ALERT:SNTP Failure