5-10 C70 Capacitor Bank Protection and Control System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5To gain write access to a “Restricted” setting, program the ACCESS LEVEL setting in the main security menu to “Setting” andthen change the setting, or attempt to change the setting and follow the prompt to enter the programmed password. If thepassword is correctly entered, access is allowed. Access automatically reverts to the “Restricted” level according to theaccess level timeout setting values.If the setting and command passwords are identical, then this one password allows access to both commands andsettings.If a remote connection is established, local passcodes are not visible.REMOTE PASSWORDSThe remote password settings are visible only from a remote connection via the EnerVista UR Setup software.Proper passwords are required to enable each command or setting level access.To set the command or setting password:1. In the EnerVista software, navigate to Settings > Product Setup > Security menu item to open the remote passwordsettings window.2. Click the command or setting password Change button.3. Enter the new password in the New Password field. Requirements are outlined in the Password Requirements sectionat the beginning of the chapter. When an original password has already been used, enter it in the Enter Passwordfield and click the Send Password to Device button.4. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.5. Click the OK button. The password is checked to ensure that is meets requirements.If you establish a local connection to the relay (serial), you cannot view remote passcodes.ACCESS SUPERVISIONPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY ACCESS SUPERVISIONThe following access supervision settings are available.• INVALID ATTEMPTS BEFORE LOCKOUT: This setting specifies the number of times an incorrect password can beentered within a three-minute time span before lockout occurs. When lockout occurs, the LOCAL ACCESS DENIED orREMOTE ACCESS DENIED FlexLogic operands are set to “On”. These operands are returned to the “Off” state uponexpiration of the lockout. ACCESS SUPERVISION ACCESS LEVEL TIMEOUTSMESSAGE INVALID ATTEMPTSBEFORE LOCKOUT: 3Range: 2 to 5 in steps of 1MESSAGE PASSWORD LOCKOUTDURATION: 5 minRange: 5 to 60 minutes in steps of 1NOTENOTENOTE