5-18 C70 Capacitor Bank Protection and Control System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5CYBERSENTRY SETTINGS THROUGH THE FRONT PANELPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITYLOGIN: This setting is applicable for Device Authentication only. This setting allows a user to login with a specific role, seedescriptions below. For the Supervisor role, the “Supervisor Role” setting should be enabled.Whenever a new role is logged in, the user is prompted with a display to enter a password. Passwords must obey therequirements specified at the beginning of the chapter in the Password Requirements section.The UR device supports fiveroles. All roles have their corresponding passwords. The Observer role is the only role that does not require a password.The roles are defined as follows:• Administrator: Complete read and write access to all settings and commands. This role does not allow concurrentaccess. This role has an operand to indicate when it is logged on.• Engineer: Complete read and write access to all settings and commands with the exception of configuring Security set-tings and Firmware upgrades. This role does not allow concurrent access.• Operator: The Operator has read/write access to all settings under the command menu/section. This role does notexist offline.• Supervisor: This is only an approving role. This role’s authentication commits setting changes submitted by Administra-tor or Engineer. The Supervisor role authenticates to unlock the UR relay for setting changes and not approve changesafter the fact. Only Supervisor can set the Settings and Firmware Lock in the Security Settings. This role also has theability to forcefully logoff any other role and clear the security event log. This role can also be disabled, but onlythrough a Supervisor authentication. When this role is disabled its permissions are assigned to the Administrator role.• Observer: This role has read only access to all UR settings. This role allows unlimited concurrent access but it has nodownload access to any files on the device. Observer is the default role if no authentication has been done to thedevice. This role displays as "None" on the front panel.The Factory service role is not available and is intended for factory use only.Local PasswordsPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDS SECURITYLOGIN:NoneRange: Administrator, Engineer, Supervisor,Operator, Factory (for factory use only), NoneMESSAGE CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDS See below.MESSAGE SESSION SETTINGS See page 5–19.MESSAGE RESTORE DEFAULTS See page 5–19.MESSAGE SUPERVISORY See page 5–20.MESSAGE SYSLOG IP ADDRESS:, SYSLOG PORT NUMBER:514Range: 1 to 65535 CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSLOGIN:NoneRange: 20 Alphanumeric CharactersMESSAGE NEW PASSWORD: Range: 20 Alphanumeric CharactersMESSAGE CONFIRM PASSWORD: Range: 20 Alphanumeric CharactersNOTE