GE Multilin C70 Capacitor Bank Protection and Control System 5-1155 SETTINGS 5.5 FLEXLOGIC5ELEMENT:Time of day timermonthMONTH JANUARYMONTH FEBRUARYMONTH MARCHMONTH APRILMONTH MAYMONTH JUNEMONTH JULYMONTH AUGUSTMONTH SEPTEMBERMONTH OCTOBERMONTH NOVEMBERMONTH DECEMBERCurrent month is JanuaryCurrent month is FebruaryCurrent month is MarchCurrent month is AprilCurrent month is MayCurrent month is JuneCurrent month is JulyCurrent month is AugustCurrent month is SeptemberCurrent month is OctoberCurrent month is NovemberCurrent month is DecemberELEMENT:Negative-sequencedirectionalovercurrentNEG SEQ DIR OC1 FWDNEG SEQ DIR OC1 REVNEG SEQ DIR OC2 FWDNEG SEQ DIR OC2 REVNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 1 forward has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 1 reverse has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 2 forward has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 2 reverse has operatedELEMENT:Negative-sequenceinstantaneousovercurrentNEG SEQ IOC1 PKPNEG SEQ IOC1 OPNEG SEQ IOC1 DPONegative-sequence instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upNegative-sequence instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedNegative-sequence instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEG SEQ IOC2 Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ IOC1ELEMENT:Negative-sequenceovervoltageNEG SEQ OV1 PKPNEG SEQ OV1 DPONEG SEQ OV1 OPNegative-sequence overvoltage element has picked upNegative-sequence overvoltage element has dropped outNegative-sequence overvoltage element has operatedNEG SEQ OV2... Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ OV1ELEMENT:Negative-sequencetime overcurrentNEG SEQ TOC1 PKPNEG SEQ TOC1 OPNEG SEQ TOC1 DPONegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has picked upNegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has operatedNegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEG SEQ TOC2 Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ TOC1ELEMENT:NeutralinstantaneousovercurrentNEUTRAL IOC1 PKPNEUTRAL IOC1 OPNEUTRAL IOC1 DPONeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL IOC2 to IOC12 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL IOC1ELEMENT:Neutral overvoltageNEUTRAL OV1 PKPNEUTRAL OV1 DPONEUTRAL OV1 OPNeutral overvoltage element 1 has picked upNeutral overvoltage element 1 has dropped outNeutral overvoltage element 1 has operatedELEMENT:Neutral timeovercurrentNEUTRAL TOC1 PKPNEUTRAL TOC1 OPNEUTRAL TOC1 DPONeutral time overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral time overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral time overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL TOC2 to TOC6 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL TOC1ELEMENT:Neutral currentunbalanceNTRL CUR 1 STG1 PKPNTRL CUR 1 STG2 PKPNTRL CUR 1 STG3 PKPNTRL CUR 1 STG4 PKPNTRL CUR 1 PKPNTRL CUR 1 DPONTRL CUR 1 STG1 OPNTRL CUR 1 STG2 OPNTRL CUR 1 STG3 OPNTRL CUR 1 STG4 OPNTRL CUR 1 OPNeutral current unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 1Neutral current unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 2Neutral current unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 3Neutral current unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 4Neutral current unbalance element 1 picked upNeutral current unbalance element 1 dropped outNeutral current unbalance element 1 operated in stage 1Neutral current unbalance element 1 operated in stage 2Neutral current unbalance element 1 operated in stage 3Neutral current unbalance element 1 operated in stage 4Neutral current unbalance element 1 operatedNTRL CUR 2 to NTRL CUR 3 Same set of operands as shown for NTRL CUR 1ELEMENT:Neutral directionalovercurrentNTRL DIR OC1 FWDNTRL DIR OC1 REVNeutral directional overcurrent 1 forward has operatedNeutral directional overcurrent 1 reverse has operatedELEMENT:Neutral voltageunbalanceNTRL VOLT 1 STG1 PKPNTRL VOLT 1 STG2 PKPNTRL VOLT 1 STG3 PKPNTRL VOLT 1 STG4 PKPNTRL VOLT 1 PKPNTRL VOLT 1 DPONTRL VOLT 1 STG1 OPNTRL VOLT 1 STG2 OPNTRL VOLT 1 STG3 OPNTRL VOLT 1 STG4 OPNTRL VOLT 1 OPNeutral voltage unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 1Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 2Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 3Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 picked up in stage 4Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 picked upNeutral voltage unbalance element 1 dropped outNeutral voltage unbalance element 1 operated in stage 1Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 operated in stage 2Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 operated in stage 3Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 operated in stage 4Neutral voltage unbalance element 1 operatedNTRL VOLT 2 to NTRL VOLT 3 Same set of operands as shown for NTRL VOLT 1Table 5–12: C70 FLEXLOGIC OPERANDS (Sheet 4 of 9)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION