GE Multilin L90 Line Current Differential System 5-2795 SETTINGS 5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS5Figure 5–152: OPEN POLE DETECTOR LOGIC (Sheet 2 of 2)i) BROKEN CONDUCTOR DETECTIONPATH: SETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTS MONITORING ELEMENTS BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1(2)Two broken conductor detection elements are provided.The broken conductor function will detect a transmission line broken conductor condition or a single-pole breaker malfunc-tion condition through checking the phase current input signals and the I_2 / I_1 ratio. The intention of this function is todetect a single-phase broken conductor only. As such two-phase or three-phase broken conductors cannot be detected. BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1FUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1SOURCE: SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2, SRC 3, SRC 4MESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1I2/I1 RATIO: 20%Range: 20.0% to 100.0% in steps of 0.1%MESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1I1 MIN: 0.10 puRange: 0.05 to 1.00 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1I1 MAX: 1.50 puRange: 0.05 to 5.00 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCTOR 1PKP DELAY: 20.000 sRange: 0.000 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001MESSAGE BROKEN CONDCT 1 BLK:OffRange: FlexLogic operandMESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCT 1TARGET: Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, DisabledMESSAGE BROKEN CONDUCT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled25$&'525252525;25)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'75,33+$6($3+$6($7,0(5F\FOHV(1$%/('IURPWKHWULSRXWSXWHOHPHQW25)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'75,33+$6(%3+$6(%7,0(5F\FOHVIURPWKHWULSRXWSXWHOHPHQW25)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'75,33+$6(&3+$6(&7,0(5F\FOHVIURPWKHWULSRXWSXWHOHPHQW$1'$1'$1'7,0(5F\FOH7,0(5F\FOH7,0(5F\FOH)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(%/.1)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(23 $Ů)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(%/.$%)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(23 %Ů)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(%/.%&)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(23 &Ů)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(%/.&$)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'23(132/(23$1'$1'$1'IURPRSHQSROHORJLFVKHHWIURPRSHQSROHORJLFVKHHWIURPRSHQSROHORJLFVKHHWIURPRSHQSROHORJLFVKHHW6(77,1*$FFHOHUDWHG7UDGLWLRQDO2SHQ3ROH0RGH