5-332 L90 Line Current Differential System GE Multilin5.8 INPUTS/OUTPUTS 5 SETTINGS55.8.10 RESETTINGPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS RESETTINGSome events can be programmed to latch the faceplate LED event indicators and the target message on the display. Onceset, the latching mechanism will hold all of the latched indicators or messages in the set state after the initiating conditionhas cleared until a RESET command is received to return these latches (not including FlexLogic latches) to the reset state.The RESET command can be sent from the faceplate Reset button, a remote device via a communications channel, or anyprogrammed operand.When the RESET command is received by the relay, two FlexLogic operands are created. These operands, which arestored as events, reset the latches if the initiating condition has cleared. The three sources of RESET commands each cre-ate the RESET OP FlexLogic operand. Each individual source of a RESET command also creates its individual operandRESET OP (PUSHBUTTON), RESET OP (COMMS) or RESET OP (OPERAND) to identify the source of the command. The settingshown above selects the operand that will create the RESET OP (OPERAND) operand.5.8.11 IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGS GOOSE ANALOG INPUT 1(32)The IEC 61850 GOOSE analog inputs feature allows the transmission of analog values between any two UR-seriesdevices. The following settings are available for each GOOSE analog input.• ANALOG 1 DEFAULT: This setting specifies the value of the GOOSE analog input when the sending device is offlineand the ANALOG 1 DEFAULT MODE is set to “Default Value”.This setting is stored as an IEEE 754 / IEC 60559 floatingpoint number. Because of the large range of this setting, not all possible values can be stored. Some values may berounded to the closest possible floating point number.• ANALOG 1 DEFAULT MODE: When the sending device is offline and this setting is “Last Known”, the value of theGOOSE analog input remains at the last received value. When the sending device is offline and this setting value is“Default Value”, then the value of the GOOSE analog input is defined by the ANALOG 1 DEFAULT setting.• GOOSE ANALOG 1 UNITS: This setting specifies a four-character alphanumeric string that can is used in the actualvalues display of the corresponding GOOSE analog input value.• GOOSE ANALOG 1 PU: This setting specifies the per-unit base factor when using the GOOSE analog input FlexAna-log values in other L90 features, such as FlexElements. The base factor is applied to the GOOSE analog input FlexAn-alog quantity to normalize it to a per-unit quantity. The base units are described in the following table. RESETTINGRESET OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operand GOOSE ANALOG INPUT 1ANALOG 1 DEFAULT:1000.000Range: –1000000.000 to 1000000.000 in steps of 0.001MESSAGE ANALOG 1 DEFAULTMODE: Default ValueRange: Default Value, Last KnownMESSAGE GOOSE ANALOG 1UNITS:Range: up to 4 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE GOOSE ANALOG 1 PU:1.000Range: 0.000 to 1000000000.000 in steps of 0.001