GE Multilin L90 Line Current Differential System 5-3315 SETTINGS 5.8 INPUTS/OUTPUTS5The DIRECT INPUT 1-1(8) DEFAULT setting selects the logic state of this particular bit used for this point if the local relay hasjust completed startup or the local communications channel is declared to have failed. Setting DIRECT INPUT 1-1(8) DEFAULTto “On” means that the corresponding local FlexLogic™ operand ( DIRECT I/P 1-1(8) ) will have logic state “1” on relay startupor during communications channel failure. When the channel is restored, the operand logic state reflects the actual state ofthe corresponding remote direct output.c) DIRECT OUTPUTSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT DIRECT OUTPUTSThe relay provides eight direct outputs that are conveyed on communications channel 1 (numbered 1-1 through 1-8) andeight direct outputs that are conveyed on communications channel 2 (numbered 2-1 through 2-8). Each digital point in themessage must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogic™ operand. The setting above is used to select theoperand which represents a specific function (as selected by the user) to be transmitted.Direct outputs 2-1 to 2-8 are only functional on three-terminal systems.Figure 5–170: DIRECT INPUTS/OUTPUTS LOGICMESSAGE DIRECT INPUT 2-8DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On DIRECT OUTPUTSDIRECT OUTPUT 1-1:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE DIRECT OUTPUT 1-2:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE DIRECT OUTPUT 1-8:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE DIRECT OUTPUT 2-1:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE DIRECT OUTPUT 2-2:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE DIRECT OUTPUT 2-8:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandNOTE831024A1.CDRSETTINGDIRECT OUTPUT 1-1:(same for 1-2...1-8)Off (Flexlogic Operand)FLEXLOGIC OPERANDDIRECT I/P 1-1(same for 1-2...1-8)L90-1(87L is Enabled)L90 communication channelSETTINGDIRECT INPUT 1-1DEFAULT:(same for 1-2...1-8)OnOffACTUAL VALUESCHANNEL 1 STATUS:FailOKORSETTINGDIRECT OUTPUT 1-1:(same for 1-2...1-8)Off (Flexlogic Operand)FLEXLOGIC OPERANDDIRECT I/P 1-1(same for 1-2...1-8)L90-2SETTINGDIRECT INPUT 1-1DEFAULT:(same for 1-2...1-8)OnOffFailOK ORACTUAL VALUESCHANNEL 1 STATUS: