temperature could be as low as 50% of the permitted level. The main reason for this is that the rotor winding isable to dissipate the heat more efficiently than the stator winding, particularly with fan-driven, air-flow machines.During starting, the slip is low and both the stator and rotor currents are high, thereby creating heat in bothwindings. However, a motor is usually designed to allow one start when it has previously been run at a statortemperature not exceeding its rating.From cold, the motor thermal replica characteristic is on its 'cold' curve, with the highest tripping times. As themachine is run over a period of time, the projected thermal trip times are reduced, eventually reaching theirminimum when operating on the 'hot' curve. Unfortunately, any rapid increase in current, for example a startingcondition, may result in an unnecessary trip. This is shown in the figure below.P24xM Chapter 6 - Current Protection FunctionsP24xM-TM-EN-2.1 81