6.3.9 DNP3 CONFIGURATIONTo configure the device:1. Select the CONFIGURATION column and check that the Comms settings cell is set to Visible.2. Select the COMMUNICATIONS column.3. Move to the first cell down (RP1 protocol). This is a non-settable cell, which shows the chosencommunication protocol – in this case DNP3.0.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 ProtocolDNP3.04. Move down to the next cell (RP1 Address). This cell controls the DNP3.0 address of the IED. Up to 32 IEDs canbe connected to one spur, therefore it is necessary for each IED to have a unique address so that messagesfrom the master control station are accepted by only one IED. DNP3.0 uses a decimal number between 1and 65519 for the Relay Address. It is important that no two IEDs have the same address.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 Address15. Move down to the next cell (RP1 Baud Rate). This cell controls the baud rate to be used. Six baud rates aresupported by the IED 1200 bps, 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps and 38400 bps. Make sure thatthe baud rate selected on the IED is the same as that set on the master station.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 Baud rate9600 bits/s6. Move down to the next cell (RP1 Parity). This cell controls the parity format used in the data frames. Theparity can be set to be one of None, Odd or Even. Make sure that the parity format selected on the IED isthe same as that set on the master station.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 ParityNone7. If the optional fibre optic connectors are fitted, the RP1 PhysicalLink cell is visible. This cell controls thephysical media used for the communication (Copper or Fibre optic).COMMUNICATIONSRP1 PhysicalLinkCopper8. Move down to the next cell (RP1 Time Sync). This cell affects the time synchronisation request from themaster by the IED. It can be set to enabled or disabled. If enabled it allows the DNP3.0 master tosynchronise the time on the IED.COMMUNICATIONSRP1 Time SyncEnabled6.3.9.1 DNP3 CONFIGURATORA PC support package for DNP3.0 is available as part of the supplied settings application software (MiCOM S1 Agile)to allow configuration of the device's DNP3.0 response. The configuration data is uploaded from the device to thePC in a block of compressed format data and downloaded in a similar manner after modification. The new DNP3.0Chapter 16 - Communications P24xM336 P24xM-TM-EN-2.1