5 ASSIGNING THE OUTPUT RELAYSRelay contact action is controlled using the PSL. DDB signals are mapped in the PSL and drive the output relays.The driving of an output relay is controlled by means of a relay output conditioner. Several choices are available forhow output relay contacts are conditioned. For example, you can choose whether operation of an output relaycontact is latched, has delay on pick-up, or has a delay on drop-off. You make this choice in the ContactProperties window associated with the output relay conditioner.To map an output relay in the PSL you should use the Contact Conditioner button in the toolbar to import it. Youthen condition it according to your needs. The output of the conditioner respects the attributes you have assigned.The toolbar button for a Contact Conditioner looks like this:The PSL contribution that it delivers looks like this:Note:Contact Conditioners are only available if they have not all been used. In some default PSL schemes, all Contact Conditionersmight have been used. If that is the case, and you want to use them for something else, you will need to re-assign them.On the toolbar there is another button associated with the relay outputs. The button looks like this:This is the "Contact Signal" button. It allows you to put replica instances of a conditioned output relay into the PSL,preventing you having to make cross-page connections which might detract from the clarity of the scheme.Chapter 15 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P24xM296 P24xM-TM-EN-2.1