8 MOVING AVERAGE VOLTAGE FUNCTIONSMoving average voltage functions are available for:● Undervoltage (Vavg<)● Overvoltage (Vavg>)● Zero Sequence Voltage (V0avg>)● Positive Sequence Voltage (V1Avg>)● Negative Sequence Voltage (V2Avg>)The voltage is sampled at 5 Hz (one sample every 200 ms for a 50 Hz system). The refresh period is 3 seconds,meaning 15 samples are collected every refresh period. The average voltage for the previous 10 minutes iscalculated, displayed as measurements and used as energising quantities for the protection functions. Thefolllowing quantities are provided:VA Mov Average: A-phase RMS average voltageVB Mov Average: B-phase RMS average voltageVC Mov Average: C-phase RMS average voltageV0 Mov Average: Zero Sequence average voltage magnitudeV1 Mov Average: Positive Sequence average voltage magnitudeV2 Mov Average: Negative Sequence average voltage magnitude8.1 MOVING AVERAGE UNDERVOLTAGE LOGICV00807Vavg<1 Volt SetVavg<1 StatusVavg<1 StrtTimeVavg<1 TripTimeVavg<1 Trip AVavg<1 Start A&1&&&1&&11Vavg<1 StartVavg<1 TripVavg< Oper ModeAny PhaseThree PhaseVavg<1 Volt SetVavg<1 StatusVavg<1 StrtTimeVavg<1 TripTimeVavg<1 Trip BVavg<1 Start BVavg<1 Volt SetVavg<1 StatusVavg<1 StrtTimeVavg<1 TripTimeVavg<1 Trip CVavg<1 Start CVA Mov AverageVB Mov AverageVC Mov AverageVTS Fast Block &&&&V Blocking 1EnabledVavg< InhibitFigure 106: Moving Average undervoltage logicChapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P24xM218 P24xM-TM-EN-2.1