4 TERMINAL CONNECTIONS4.1 I/O OPTIONSComponent I/O option A I/O option B I/O option C I/O option D I/O option E I/O option F I/O option G I/O option H I/O option JDigitalinputs8(1 group of 3and1 group of 5)11(2 groups of3 and1 group of 5)11(1 group of 3,1 group of 5and3 individual)13(1 group of 3and2 groups of5)3(1 group of 3)6(1 group of 3and3 individual)71 group of 5and2 individual)101 group of 3,1 group of 5and 2individual)12(2 groups of5 and2 individual)Outputrelays8(NO)12(NO)12(11 NO, 1 NC)12(NO)4(NO)8(7 NO, 1 NC)8(NO)12(NO)12(NO)Note:I/O options C, F, G, H and J are suitable for Trip Circuit Supervision (TCS) applications.Note:For details of terminal connections, refer to the Wiring Diagrams Appendix.Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P24xM36 P24xM-TM-EN-2.1