Chapter 8. Maintenance and Troubleshooting154 Model PM880 Portable Hygrometer User’s Manual8.11 Error and Screen MessagesThe PM880 has a series of error messages that display on the screen whenthe error occurs. The error messages are only general descriptions of thepossible problems. The PM880 also has several screen messages that appearduring operation and setup.Use Table 5 to isolate and remedy the problem. If you are unable to remedythe problem, contact the factory.Table 5: Error and Screen MessagesErrorMessage Problem ActionError CodesErr 1:No ProbeA probe of type required has notbeen installed.Connect the required probe.Err 2:Out of RangeA calculated result exceeds theunit’s capacity.Contact the factory.Err 3:Over RangeA calculated result exceeds theunit’s calibration range.Contact the factory.Change the measurement units sothat the result is within range.Err 4:Under RangeA calculated result is below theunit’s calibration range.Contact the factory.Err 5:Not AvailThe mode or units selectedrequire more data or a differentsensor.Choose a different mode and/orunits.Connect the required probe.Err 6:No CommThe MIS Probe did not respondto a request for data.Check the MIS Probe connections.Replace the MIS Probe.Err 7:No LinkCommunication with an MISProbe has failed. The probe isdisconnected or damaged.Check the MIS Probe connections.Replace the MIS Probe.Err 8:Bad CRCCommunication with an MISProbe is intermittent or dis-torted.Check for cable breaks or highelectromagnetic interference(EMI).Err 9:Bad MsgThe MIS Probe sent a responsenot supported by the PM880.Consult the factory.