Using the clock, kitchen timer, end control lockout. GEAppliances.cTo Set the ClockThe clock must be set to the correct time of dayfor the Delay Start functions to work properly.The time of day cannot be changed duringa delayed cooking or a delayed self-cleaningcycle.%[21Touch the CLOCKpad.Touch the number pads until the correcttime of day is shown in the display. If thenumber pads are not touched within oneminute after you touch the CLOCKpad,the display reverts to the original setting. Ifthis happens, touch the CLOCKpad andenter the time of day.r-_ Touch the STARTpad until the time of dayshows in the display.This enters the timeand starts the clock.To check the time of day when the display isshowing other information, touch the CLOCKpad. The time of day shows until another padis touched. To change the time format or turnoff the clock display, see the SpecialFeaturessection.TIMERON TIMER ]OFFThe KitchenTimer is in hours andminutes.TheKitchenTimerdoesnot controlovenoperations.Themaximum settingon theKitchenTimeris9 hoursand 59 minutes.To Set the Kitchen Timer%[]Touch the TIMER ON pad.Touch the number pods until the amountof time you wont shows in the display. Forexample, to set 2 hours and 45 minutes,touch 2, 4 and 5 in that order. If you makea mistake, touch the TIMEROFFpad andbegin again.r_ Touch the STARTpad.After touching the STARTpod, SETdisappears;this tells you the time is countingdown, although the display does not changeuntil one minute has passed.Seconds will notbe shown in the display until the lust minute iscounting down.r_ When the kitchen timer reaches :00, thecontrol will beep 3 times followed by onebeep every 6 seconds until the TIMEROFFpad,The 6-second tone can be cancelled byfollowing the steps in the Special features ofyour oven control section under Tones at theEnd of o Timed Cycle.To Reset the Kitchen TimerIf the display is still showing the time remaining,you may change it by touching the TIMERONpad, then touching the number pads so that thetime you want appears in the display.If the remaining time is not in the display (clock,delay start or cooking time are in the display),recall the remaining time by touching theTIMERON pad and then touch the numberpads to enter the new time you want.] To Cancel the Kitchen TimerTIMER TIMER Touch the TIMEROFF pad.ON OFFHow to Lock Out the ControlsControl Lockout or Range Lockout will allowyou to lock out the touch pods so they cannotbe activated when touched. Some modelshave Range Lockout which will also disable thesurface units. Hake sure all surface unit controlsare turned off when using Range Lockout. Anysurface unit that is set to an "on" position whilethe Range Lockout is enabled will automaticallycome on after the Range Lockout is disabled.To lock/unlock the controls:F-_ Touch and hold the Control Lockout orRange Lockout pad for 3 seconds. Theoven display will show "Loc On Loc".To unlock the control, touch and hold theControl Lockout or Range Lockout podfor 3 seconds. The oven display will show"Loc OFF Loc".When this feature is on, the touch pads will notrespond except for the Clear/Off pad.The adjustment will be retained in memoryafter a power failure.11