GEAppliances.comj WARNING i GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSUsethis appliancefor its intended purposeas describedin thisOwner'sManual.Be sureyour applianceis properly installedand grounded by aqualified installerin accordancewith the provided installationinstructions.Do not attempt to repair or replaceany part of your range unlessit is specificallyrecommendedin this manual.All other servicingshould be transferredto a qualifiedtechnician.Beforeperforming any service,unplug the range or disconnectthe power supply at the householddistribution panel by removingthe fuse or switching off the circuit breaker.Do not leavechildrenalone-children should not be left aloneor unattended in an area where an appliance is in use.Theyshould neverbe allowedto climb, sit or stand on any part of theappliance.CAUTION : Donotstoreitemsofinteresttochildrenabove a range or on the backguard of a range-children climbingon the range to reach items could be seriouslyinjured.Useonly dry pot holders-moist or damp pot holderson hotsurfaces may result in burnsfrom steam. Do not let pot holderstouch hot surface units or heating elements.Do not use a towelor other bulky cloth in placeof pot holders.Never useyour appliance for warming or heating the room.Do not touch the surface units,the heating elementsor theinterior surfaceof the oven. Thesesurfaces may be hot enoughto burn eventhough they are dark in color. Duringand after use,do not touch,or let clothing or other flammable materialscontactthe surface units,areas nearbythe surface units or any interiorarea of the oven;allow sufficienttime for cooling first. Othersurfacesof the appliance may become hot enough to causeburns. Potentiallyhot surfacesincludethe cooktop, areasfacingthe cooktop, oven vent opening,surfacesnear the opening andcrevicesaround the oven door.Do not heat unopened food containers. Pressurecould build upand the container could burst,causing an injury.Do not usealuminum foil to line the drip pansor anywhere in theoven,except as describedin this manual. Misusecould result indamage to the range and shockor fire hazard.Avoidscratching or impactingglass doors,cooktops or controlpanels.Doingso may leadto glassbreakage. Donot cook on aproduct with brokenglass.Shock,fire or cuts may occur.iii_Cook meat and poultry thoroughly-meat to at least an internaltemperature of Z60°Fand poultry to at least an internaltemperature of Z80°F.Cookingto these temperatures usuallyprotects against foodborne illness.jA WARNING j KEEPFLAIVllVlABLEMATERIALSAWAY FROMTHE RANGE.iii_,Do not store or useflammable materials in an ovenor nearthe cooktop, includingpaper,plastic, pot holders,linens,wallcoverings,curtains,drapes and gasolineor other flammablevapors and liquids.iii_,Neverwear loose-fittingor hanging garments while usingthe appliance.Thesegarments may ignite if they contact hotsurfaces,causing severe burns.iii_,Do not let cooking greaseor other flammable materialsaccumulate in or near the range.Greasein the oven or on thecooktop may ignite.iii_,Cleanventilating hoodsfrequently. Greaseshouldnot be allowedto accumulate on the hood or filter.iA iIn WARNING 1IN THEEVENTOF A FIRE,TAKETHEFOLLOWING STEPSTO PREVENT THE FIRE FROM SPREADING:iii_,Do not usewater on greasefires. Neverpick up a flaming pan.Turnthe controlsoff. Smother a flaming pan on a surface unit bycovering the pan completely with a well-fitting lid,cookie sheetor flat tray. Use a multi-purposedry chemicalor foam-type fireextinguisher.iii_If there isa fire in the oven during baking,smother the fire byclosingthe ovendoor and turning the oven off or by usingamulti-purposedry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.iii_If there isa fire in the oven during self-clean,turn the ovenoff and wait for the fire to go out. Do not force the door open.Introduction of fresh air at self-cleantemperatures may leadtoa burst of flame from the oven. Failureto follow this instructionmay result in severeburns.]