GEAppliances.comMetal Marks and ScratchesJ-_ Be careful not to slide pots and pansacross your cooktop. It will leave metalmarkings on the cooktop surface.These marks are removable using theCERAMABRYTE®Ceramic Cooktop Cleanerwith the CERAMABRYTE®Cleaning Padfor Ceramic Cooktops.[] If pots with a thin overlay of aluminumor copper are allowed to boil dry, theoverlay may leave black discolorationon the cooktop.This should be removed immediatelybefore heating again or thediscoloration may be permanent.NOTE'.Carefully check the bottom of pans forroughness that would scratch the cooktop.Cooktop SealTo clean the cooktop seal around the edgesof the glass, lay a wet cloth on it for a fewminutes, then wipe clean with nonabrasivecleaners.Glass surface--potential for permanent damage.Sugaryspillovers(suchasjellies,fudge, candy,syrups)or melted plasticscan causepitting of the surfaceofyourcooktop (notcovered by thewarranty) unlessthe spillisremovedwhile still hot. Specialcare should be taken whenremoving hot substances.Besureto use a new, sharprazorscraper.Do not usea dull or nickedblade.Damage from Sugary Spills and Melted Plastic[7] Turn off all surface units. Remove hotpans.Wearing an oven mitt:o. Use a single-edge razorblade scraper (CERAIVlABRYTE®Ceramic Cooktop Scraper)to move the spill to a coolarea on the cooktop.b. Remove the spill with paper towels.r_ Any remaining spillover should be leftuntil the surface of the cooktop hascooled.[] Don't use the surface units again untilall of the residue has been completelyremoved.NOTE: If pitting or indentation in the glasssurface has already occurred, the cooktopglass will have to be replaced.In this case, service will be necessary.j I1To Order PartsTo order CERAMABRYTE®Ceramic CooktopCleaner and the cooktop scraper, please callour toll-free number:National Parts Center 800.626.2002CERAHA BRYTE®CeramicCooktop Cleaner .......... #WX! OX300CERAMABRYTE®CeramicCooktop Scraper .......... #WX10;40302Kit ........................ #W864X5027(Kit includes cream and cooktop scraper)CERAMABRYTE® Cleaning Pads forCeramic Cooktops ....... #WX!OX35035