Core temperature probe en2115.1 Estimated cooking timeAfter preheating, if the appliance has a temperaturesetting above 100 °C and the core temperature probeis inserted, the display shows an estimated cookingtime approx. 5 to 20 minutes into the cooking time. Theappliance continuously updates the estimated cookingtime.The longer the cooking process lasts, the more precisethe estimated cooking time becomes. Do not open theappliance door; this distorts the estimated cookingtime.The display shows the estimated cooking time in nor-mal operation and in the automatic programme.Press to display the current core temperature.To display the current core temperature instead of theestimated cooking time, change the settings in the ba-sic settings → Page 25.The display shows "<15 °C" for the current core tem-perature at the beginning of the cooking time for ap-prox. 3 to 4 minutes.The measurable range is 15 °C to 99 °C. Outside ofthe measurable range, the display shows "<15 °C" or "--°C" for the current core temperature.If you leave food in the cooking compartment for sometime after cooking, the core temperature will continueto rise somewhat due to the residual heat in the cook-ing compartment.If you set programmes with the core temperature probeand the cooking timer at the same time, the applianceswitches off whichever programme reaches the enteredvalue first.15.2 Core temperature guideline valuesThe following overview provides you with guideline val-ues for the core temperature. The guideline values de-pend on the quality and composition of the food.Only use fresh food that has not been frozen. For hy-giene reasons, ensure that critical foods such as fishand game reach a core temperature of at least 62 °Cto 70 °C and poultry and minced meat 80 °C to85 °C.Food Core temperatureguideline value in°CBeefSirloin, fillet of beef, entrecôte,very rare45-47Sirloin, fillet of beef, entrecôte,rare50-52Sirloin, fillet of beef, entrecôte, me-dium rare58-60Sirloin, fillet of beef, entrecôte,well done70-75Roast beef 80-85PorkJoint of pork 72-80Loin of pork, medium rare 65-70Loin of pork, well done 75Meatloaf 85Fillet of pork 65-70Food Core temperatureguideline value in°CVealJoint of veal, well done 75-80Breast of veal, stuffed 75-80Saddle of veal, medium rare 58-60Saddle of veal, well done 65-70Fillet of veal, rare 50-52Fillet of veal, medium rare 58-60Fillet of veal, well done 70-75GameSaddle of venison 60-70Leg of roe venison 70-75Venison loin steaks 65-70Saddle of hare, saddle of rabbit 65-70PoultryChicken 90Guinea fowl 80-85Goose, turkey, duck 85-90Duck breast, medium rare 55-60Duck breast, well done 70-80Ostrich steak 60-65LambLeg of lamb, medium rare 60-65Leg of lamb, well done 70-80Saddle of lamb, medium rare 55-60Saddle of lamb, well done 65-75MuttonLeg of mutton, medium rare 70-75Leg of mutton, well done 80-85Saddle of mutton, medium rare 70-75Saddle of mutton, well done 80FishFillet 62-65Whole 65Terrine 62-65MiscellaneousBread 96Pâté 72-75Terrine 60-70Foie gras 45Reheating food 7515.3 Inserting the core temperature probeinto the food1. Insert the core temperature probe fully into the food.2. Do not insert the core temperature probe into thefat.3. Ensure that the core temperature probe is nottouching any cookware or any bones.4. Place the food in the cooking compartment.