How it works en35Food Accessory/cookwareLevel Temperat-ure in °CType ofheatingCookingtime inminsCommentsVeggie burgers,frozenBaking tray +greaseproof pa-per2 (3) 220 12-151VegetableskewersWire rack + grilltray3 (4) 220 241 Shorten the wooden skewers orleave them to soak in waterovernight to prevent them fromcharring.Recipe tip: Peppers, onions,sweetcorn (pre-cooked), cherrytomatoes, courgette.Sliced pumpkin Glass trayorGrill tray3 (4) 200 20-301 Recipe tip: Season with oil, gar-lic, ginger, cumin, salt and pep-per.Oven-roastedtomatoesOvenproof dish 2 (3) 120 60 Recipe tip: Place cherry toma-toes or sliced tomatoes, rose-mary and garlic into the bakingdish and drizzle with oil and alittle honey.If you wish, you can blanch thetomatoes and skin them beforeroasting them in the oven.Peppers,stuffed, veget-arianOvenproof dishorRoaster2 (3) 190 50 Recipe tip: Stuff with boiled rice,soft wheat or lentils and onions,cheese, herbs and seasoning/spices.Ratatouille Glass trayorGrill tray3 (4) 200 30-401 Recipe tip: Sprinkle withparmesan just before serving.Asparagus,green, grilledGlass trayorGrill tray3 (4) 220 6-101 Recipe tip: Season with onions,oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.Adjust the cooking time depend-ing on size.Root veget-ablesGlass trayorGrill tray3 (4) 200 301 Recipe tip: Season carrots, cel-ery, swede and beetroot with oil,garlic, salt and pepper.Root veget-ablesGlass trayorGrill tray3 (4) 250 15-201 Recipe tip: Season carrots, cel-ery, swede and beetroot with oil,garlic, salt and pepper.Courgettes,stuffed, veget-arianGlass trayorGrill tray2 (3) 180 40 Recipe tip: Stuff with grated car-rot, spring onion, goats' cheese,garlic, thyme, salt and pepperand sprinkle with parmesan.1 Turn the food halfway through cooking.22.3 Side dishes and mealsTake note of the recommended settings for side dishesand meals.¡ The best known oven-cooked side dishes arepotato-based, such as potato gratin. However, youcan also achieve excellent results when oven-cook-ing side dishes that are normally pan-fried, e.g.potato fritters and fried potatoes. The advantages ofthis preparation method: You can prepare relativelylarge quantities of food at the same time, the cook-ing smells do not spread so far in the room, and thefood can be prepared using less fat.¡ Another highly versatile oven-cooked side dish ischeese. It is a very good addition to vegetariandishes in particular; depending on the preparationmethod, you can also serve cheese as a starter orfinger food.¡ Grilled dishes such as bakes and gratins are partic-ularly well suited to being prepared in the oven.Dishes with a dough or pastry base, e.g. pizza andsavoury flan, and egg dishes with a filling, e.g. tor-tilla, are also suitable.¡ For small portions (for 2-3 people), use a heat-res-istant dish and place it on the wire rack. If you usethe glass tray or grill tray, the food will start to burnor dry out.