INSTALLATION/OPERATION & SERVICE MANUAL - 1&2 PLATEN GARLAND CLAMSHELL GRILLS WITH PRODUCT RECOGNITIONPART #4527466 (12 Aug 2011)Page 28CLEANING & MAINTENANCE (continued)19• Scrub back side ofplatens from right platento left platen.20• Scrub outer edges ofright and left platens.21• (This step not requiredon one platen version)• Press green button tolower right platen.22• (This step not requiredon one platen version)• Scrub inner edges of theright and left platens.• Press green button toraise the right platen.23• Scrub lower grill surface.24• Rinse front, side andback of platen surfaceswith a clean, sanitizer-soaked grill cloth,starting from right to leftplatens.25• (This step not requiredon one platen version)• Press the green buttonto lower right platen,rinse inner edges of bothplatens; then, raise.26• Wipe back of lower grillwith a clean, sanitizer-soaked grill cloth.27• Pour a small amount oflukewarm water on aclean, sanitizer-soakedgrill cloth over thebottom grill surface andwipe off residue.28• Place upper platenRelease Material sheetsflat on grill surface.• Gently clean both sidesof the Release Materialsheets with the KAY GrillCleaning Pad Holder.