INSTALLATION/OPERATION & SERVICE MANUAL - 1&2 PLATEN GARLAND CLAMSHELL GRILLS WITH PRODUCT RECOGNITIONPART #4527466 (12 Aug 2011)Page 52TO SET THE REED SWITCHESIn order to ensure that the platen reed switches are intheir proper location, you must ensure that the distanceof the magnet is the correct distance away from theswitch (located inside the upper platen).Magnet AssyMagnet Assy1) Enter the “LEVEL/REED SW” mode:a) With the controller display ON and eitherdisplaying the current menu item or displaying“OFF” PRESS and HOLD the button for 3seconds. Controller will display previouslyselected menu item and its corresponding itemnumber OR “Standby / Menu Item”.b) PRESS the AND arrow buttons TOGETHER.“CONFIGURE” will appear in the display.c) PRESS the 2X. “CALIBRATION” appears.d) PRESS the button. “LEVEL/REED SW” appears.e) PRESS the button. “NO” will begin to flash.f) PRESS the button. “NO” will change to “YES”.g) PRESS the button. “YES” will stop flashing.h) Press the GREEN button to lower the platen.2) Remove the reed switchgrease caps.3) Remove the reed switchlocking caps.4) Using the PlatenAdjusting Tool, screwthe magnet down(clockwise) UNTIL thecontroller sounds a hipitched BEEP.CAUTION: DO NOT USE ASCREWDRIVER TO SCREWTHE MAGNET.5) SLOWLY screw themagnet UP (counter-clockwise) UNTIL thehi-pitched BEEP STOPS.6) Screw the magnetcounter-clockwise one,(1), morefull turn (360˚) .7) Repeat the procedure for the additional reed switches.8) Screw down reed switchlocking caps.NOTE: IT IS IMPERATIVETHAT YOU HOLD THEMAGNET IN PLACE WHENSCREWING DOWN THELOCKING CAP.8) After setting the reed switches as desribed, pressthe GREEN button to perform a Forced AutoCalibration..9) Reinstall grease caps.