GARLAND CLAMSHELL GRILLS WITH PRODUCT RECOGNITION INSTALLATION/OPERATION & SERVICE MANUAL - 1&2 PLATENPART #4527466 (12 Aug 2011) Page 33OPERATING PROCEDURESMenu Item Display Active –Default10:1 - CLAM PM4:1 - CLAM PMSTRIP BACON - CLAM AM/PMSAUSAGE CLAM FZN AMMCRIB - CLAM NOSTEAK - CLAM AM/PMGRILLED CHICKEN - FLAT PMFOLDED EGGS FLAT AMROUND EGGS - FLAT AMCHICKEN FLAT BRD - FLAT NO10:1 FLAT NO4:1 - FLAT NOMCRIB - FLAT NOSAUSAGE FLAT FZN NOHOTCAKES - FLAT NOFOLDED EGGS CLAM AMROUND EGGS CLAM AM3:1 ANGUS CLAM PMMUSHROOMS CLAM AM/PMOPT MENU 5 - CLAM NOOPT MENU 6 - CLAM NOOPT MENU 7 - CLAM NOOPT MENU 1 - FLAT NOOPT MENU 2 - FLAT NOOPT MENU 3 - FLAT NOOPT MENU 4 - FLAT NOGeneral Overview:The PRC grill control will allow for 2 functions, bothdescribed in detail in the following sectionsThe “Normal Operating Mode”, also known as the CookMode is the mode used during normal cooking. In thenormal operating mode, the operator can start a cookcycle, cancel a cook cycle, view actual temperatures, scrollto another menu item, and enter the Programming Mode.The “Programming Mode” is the mode in which theoperator can program the controller’s various settings. Toenter the programming mode, PRESS and HOLDThere are currently 3 methods of cooking that can beutilized with the 1 & 2 platens Garland clamshell:Standard Cooking – This is the cook method that utilizes asingle gap setting for each menu item. The timer will countdown according to the selected menu item.Multi Stage Cooking – This method of cooking utilizes 2different gap settings during the cook cycle. The timer willcount down according to the selected menu item.Product Recognition – The product recognition methodof cooking uses the magnetic switches mounted on theupper platen arm assembly to determine the productbeing cooked. Using the PR feature, the operator simplyselects the button on the controller. This will allowthe controller to know what product group to selectfrom. When a cook cycle is initiated, the platen will comedown and recognize the product being cooked. Thecook timer will count down according to the time set forthe recognized item. For more information on productRecognition, see the next section; “Product Recognition.”To turn the grill on:The Main Power Switch – Controls power to the grilland must be turned ON to start operation. The controllerdisplays will be active. Upon successful power up checks,the controllers will displays “OFF”.AM Operation – Release Material sheets MUST be ON atthis time and the grill surface should be free and clear ofcarbon.Once the PRC displays “OFF” press . The PRC will go toPREHEAT mode and default to AM preheat temperatures.To preheat to PM temperatures, press and hold .AM PREHEAT PM PREHEAT375˚F (190˚C) Upper Platen 425˚F (218˚C) Upper Platen275˚F (135˚C) Grill 350˚F (177˚C) GrillUpon reaching the AM or PM set temperature (whicheveris selected), the grill will stabilize in temperature for fifteen(15) minutes. Once this time has elapsed, the grill willautocalibrate. Upon completion of autocalibration, theupper platens will raise to there normal position, and thePRC will display “READY”.To Select a Menu item:Scroll forward through the list of available menu items bypressing repeatedly. Scroll backward through the list ofavailable menu items by pressing repeatedly.Menu Item LibraryThe menu item library is loaded in the computer basedupon the setting programmed in [CONFIGURE]->[GRILLREGION]. Each menu item consists of a function called[DISPLAY ACTIVE]. The settings in this function (AM, PM,AM/PM, No) determine what menu items are displayedwhen the button is pressed.