Trail Guide ™ Owner’s Manual ENbasIc operatIon > fIndInG places and routInG to themAdvanced Search Methods and TipsThe search results list can be quite long. Use the following tips tonarrow your search.Entering Containing LettersIf you know the name of the place you are searching for, selectthe box. Use theon-screen keyboard to enter letterscontained in the name. The morefully you type the name, the moreaccurate your search results. Forexample, typing “SU” in order tofind Sun’s Deli returns names suchas Subway and Tropik Sun.Searching Sub-CategoriesIf you would like to search for atype of food (such as Chinese, Deli,International, Fast Food), highlightthe All Categories box, and pressOK. Highlight a food category(sub-category), and press OK. A newlist appears filtered with the selectedcategory.Panning and FindingYou can find places that are beyond your current location bypanning to a particular area on the map. Open the Map page andpan the map to the location. Press FInD, and the unit searches forplaces near the map pointer. See page 28 for information aboutpanning the map.Finding Places Near this PlaceAfter you have found a place, open the item’s information page.To find another place (such as a hotel or restaurant) near this place,highlight Find near, and press OK.Saving this Place to My LocationsAfter you have found a place, open the item’s information page.Highlight Save, and press OK to save this place to My Locations.Using the Information Page MenuAfter you have found a place, open the item’s information page,and press MenU to reveal more options.To see where this item is located on the map, select Show Map.For step-by-step directions from the place to your current location,select Directions to Me. Select Find near Current Route to listall places along your current route.Using the Containing FieldUsing Sub-Categories