Trail Guide ™ Owner’s ManualENbasIc operatIon > fIndInG places and routInG to themFinding Recently Found PlacesYour Trail Guide stores the 50 places you have found mostrecently. The most recently-reviewed item is at the top of the list.To find a recently found place:1. Press FIND, highlight Recent Finds, and press OK. A list ofrecently found items appears.2. To narrow your search,highlight All Categories,and press OK.3. Highlight a category from thelist, and press OK. The 15most recent finds from thecategory appear.4. Highlight a place, and pressOK.5. To create a route to thisplace, highlight Route To,and press OK.The Trail Guide only stores places that you actually view. Forexample, if you search for a restaurant by name and five namesappear. If you view information on two of them, then these tworestaurants are stored in your Recent Finds list.Deleting Recently Found PlacesIf you want to delete a place from the Recent Finds list, highlightthe place’s name and highlight the red . Press OK, and the nameis removed from the list.To remove all names in the Recent Finds list, press MenU whileon the Recent Finds page. Highlight Remove All, and press OK.nOTe: Deleting an item from the Recent Finds list onlyremoves the item from this list. It does not delete the actual cityfrom the Map page, your find database, or My Locations.