Trail Guide ™ Owner’s Manual ENusInG the maIn paGes > map paGeViewing the Map OrientationYou can orient the map in one of two ways. north Up shows theMap page with North always at the top, as if you were reading apaper map. Track Up allows the map to automatically rotate soyour direction of travel always appears at the top of the Map page.If you are using Track up, a white n indicator, in the top left cornerof the Map page, points to the North.Your Trail Guide is set to show the Map page in Track Uporientation until you zoom out to the 200-mile zoom range orabove. To change the map orientation settings, see page 33.North UpTrack UpData FieldsThe Map page displays data fields on the right-hand column of thepage. Information in these fields changes depending on whetheryou are navigating a route or just traveling with the Trail Guideturned on. Data fields also appear on the Trip Information page(page 32) and the Compass page (page 20). For a complete list anddescription of data field options, see page 45.To change the data fields on the Map page:1. Open the Map page, and press MENU.2. Highlight Edit Fields, and press OK.3. Use the Rocker key to highlight the data field you want tochange, and press OK.4. Highlight the new data field type in the list, and press OK.5. When you are finished changing the data fields, press Pageto exit.Data fields