Trail Guide ™ Owner’s Manual ENunderstandInG Gps > the Gps InformatIon paGeSatellite Status BarAs soon as the GPS receiver has collected the necessary data tocalculate a fix, the status bar indicates a position fix. The currentGPS status and the accuracy of the position fix can be found inthe satellite status bar located at the top of the page. The status bardisplays one of the following messages:Searching for Satellites—the GPS receiver is looking for anyavailable satellites in view.Locating Satellites—the GPS receiver is locating satellites anddetermining which ones are visible at your location.Acquiring Satellites—the GPS receiver is collecting data fromavailable satellites but has not collected enough data to calculate aposition fix.Satellite status barReady to navigate—the Trail Guide is ready to navigate routes.2D navigation—at least three satellites with good geometry havebeen found; a two-dimensional position fix (latitude and longitude)is being calculated. You might need to enter your elevation if thereceiver only has a 2D fix. Displays “2D Differential” if you aretracking one of the WAAS satellites.3D navigation—at least four satellites with good geometry havebeen found; your location is now being calculated in latitude,longitude, and elevation. Displays “3D Differential” if you aretracking one of the WAAS satellites.Lost Satellite Reception—the GPS receiver has temporarily lostsatellite reception.Poor GPS Coverage—the GPS receiver is not tracking enoughsatellites for a 2D or 3D fix due to bad satellite geometry or due toa shaded antenna, which can be caused from very dense overheadtress or tall buildings.Receiver not Usable—the Trail Guide is unusable, possibly dueto incorrect initialization or abnormal satellite conditions. Turnthe unit off and back on to reset and reinitialize the receiver ifnecessary.GPS is Off—the GPS receiver has been turned off and cannot beused for navigation.