0 Trail Guide ™ Owner’s ManualENusInG the maIn paGes > next turn paGeNext Turn PageWhen you are navigating a route, the Next Turn page opensperiodically to alert you that you need to turn soon. The Next Turnpage displays a picture of the turn and provides text instructions.This page disappears after a few seconds. If you need to see itagain, press the Speak key.Next Turn PageNext TurnRoute lineMiles until youreach the turnApproximatetime left until youreach the turnAn added bonus to the Next Turn feature is that the Trail Guidevoice announces upcoming turns. If you cannot safely view theNext Turn page, you can hear the verbal directions. Refer to page 6to learn how to adjust the volume.The Next Turn page opens and announces the same instructions foran upcoming turn up to three times:• Immediately after you make a turn, the Next Turn pageannounces the next turn and the distance to the turn. So, ifthe next turn is not for 20 miles, you do not need to worryabout navigation instructions for quite a while.• As you approach the upcoming turn, the Next Turn pageappears again. This message is announced in order to alertyou to change lanes if necessary and start looking for signsin anticipation of the upcoming turn.• Just before the upcoming turn, the Next Turn page appearsone last time for that particular turn.The Next Turn page disappears after a few seconds, and the pagethat you were previously viewing reappears. If you want to closethe Next Turn page and return to the previous page, press Page .If you want to see the Next Turn page again, press the Speak key,and it reappears. You also can hear the announcement.The Next Turn page is only available when you are navigating to adestination.