Part No. 57.0009.0454 GTH-4013EX - GTH-4514EX - GTH-4017EX 19Operator’s ManualSecond Edition - Second PrintingWARNINGMake sure the machine (wheels and stabilisers)rests on a firm ground to prevent hazardous unstableconditions.If the ground is not firm enough, position somesupporting planks under the stabilisers or thewheels. Look for the best route to the job site. When the machine is running, nobody can enterits working range. While working, keep the working area in order.Never leave objects scattered: they could hinderthe machine movements and represent a dangerfor personnel. In presence of trenches, lower the outriggers ata safe distance from the trench edge.OPERATION or MAINTENANCE hazardsBefore any operation, following precautions shouldbe taken: First of all, make sure that the maintenanceinterventions have been carried out with careaccording to the established schedule.WARNINGSet the machine to working configuration and swayit. Use the special inclinometer to the right of thedriving place to check that the machine is levelbefore operating it. Ensure you have enough fuel to avoid a suddenstop of the engine, especially during a crucialmanoeuvre. Clean instruments, data plates, lights and thecab windscreen thoroughly. Check the correct functioning of all the safetydevices installed on the machine and in the jobsite. In case of troubles or difficulties, inform theforeman at once. Never start working underunsafe conditions. Do not carry out any repair work in a makeshiftway to start working!During work, and especially maintenance, alwayspay the greatest attention: Do not walk or stop under raised loads ormachine parts supported by hydraulic cylindersor ropes only. Keep the machine handholds and access stepsalways clean from oil, grease or dirt to preventfalls or slips.A ³ BABSafety precautionsCourtesy of Crane.Market