MaintenanceCHECKING THE SAFETY DEVICESLOAD LIMITING SYSTEM.It consists of a load cell fitted to the rear axle anda display installed in the driving place. This deviceenables the operator to check the stability variationthrough a bar with 8 LED’s (4 green, 2 yellow and2 red).Checking the LOAD LIMITING SYSTEM(at every use)When power is turned on, the DLE load limiting systemruns a self-test. In the case of troubles, LED’s 5, 8and 10 start flashing, the buzzer sounds, an errorcode is shown on the display and the machine entersthe alarm mode and cannot be operated.The meaning of the error messages is shown inSection “Faults and Troubleshooting”.To do a manual check, it will be enough to load aweight exceeding the maximum permitted with theboom fully out and attempt to lift it. The system shallenter in alarm; should that not be the case, contactTEREXLIFT Technical Service.5810Operator’s Manual86 GTH-4013EX - GTH-4514EX - GTH-4017EX Part No. 57.0009.0454Second Edition - Second PrintingCourtesy of Crane.Market