Outrigger movementsDANGERBefore lowering the outriggers, make surethat nobody is within the working range of themachine.To operate the outriggers:Right outrigger Press button 52 and hold it down to enable themotion of the right outrigger:select X to lower the outriggerselect Y to raise the outriggerLeft outrigger Press button 53 and hold it down to enable themotion of the left outrigger:select X to lower the outriggerselect Y to raise the outriggerControls and InstrumentsOutrigger controls and chassis levellingactivation is affected by the boom position andextension, as shown in the chart below:AREA A, within this area controls can bealways activated, regardless of boom angle andextension.AREA B, within this area controls cannot beactivated unless the boom is fully retracted.AREA C, within this area controls cannot beactivated.ABCX°20°0°ERROR5254 53YXYXChassis Levelling FunctionCheck that the machine is level on inclinometer10. The water level must be right in the middleof the instrument.To sway the machine: Press button 54 and hold it down until the completeexecution of the function selected:select X to raise the right-hand side of themachineselect Y to lower the right-hand side of themachine.Operator’s Manual40 GTH-4013EX - GTH-4514EX - GTH-4017EX Part No. 57.0009.0454Second Edition - Second PrintingCourtesy of Crane.Market